Today in History - November 13th

  • 1775 - On this day in history, during the American Revolution, US forces captured Montreal. 
  • 1789 - Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to a friend in which he said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." 
  • 1839 - Today in history, the first US anti-slavery party, The Liberty Party, convened in NY.
  • 1927 - The world's first long, mechanically ventilated underwater tunnel, the Holland Tunnel, opened between New York and New Jersey.
  • 1933 - On this day in history, the first modern sit-down strike --Hormel meat packers, Austin, MN—took place.
  • 1942 - Today in history, Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed a measure lowering the minimum draft age from 21 to 18. 
  • 1956 - The Supreme Court struck down laws calling for racial segregation on buses.
  • 1982 - The Vietnam War Memorial was dedicated in Washington DC
  • 1986 - On this day in history, President Ronald Reagan publicly acknowledged that the United States had sent "defensive weapons and spare parts" to Iran. He denied that the shipments were sent to free hostages, but that they had been sent to improve relations. 
  • 2001 - President George W. Bush signed an executive order that would allow for military tribunals to try any foreigners captured with connections to the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

SCIENCE, INVENTIONS, PATENTS - Today in History, November 13th

  • 1851 - Today in history, the first Telegraph connection between London-Paris was linked.
  • 1955 - On this day in history, the first live telecast from a non-contiguous foreign country (Cuba) took place.
  • 1971 - The U.S. spacecraft Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit another planet: Mars. 
  • 1990 - Today in history, The World Wide Web first began.
  • 2009 - NASA announced that water had been discovered on the moon. The discovery came from the planned impact on the moon of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS).

CULTURE, LIFESTYLE - Today in History, November 13th

  • 1940 - Walt Disney's Fantasia debuted.
  • 1997 - Today in history, "Lion King" opened at The New Amsterdam Theater NYC.

SPORTS - Today in History, November 13th

  • 1875 - Harvard-Yale game was the first college football contest to have uniforms.
  • 1875 - The National Bowling Association organized in NYC.

FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS - November 13th

  • Robert Louis Stevenson 1850
  • Garry Marshall 1934
  • Jean Seberg 1938
  • Whoopi Goldberg 1955